The following list of courses are for the advanced diver who have already completed their open water scuba diving certification and want to further their experience and knowledge. Some divers simply want to experience more of what scuba diving has to offer. While other divers are seeking a path of furthering their career in scuba diving via master scuba diving certification or becoming a certified instructor.

Advanced Open Water |
Master Scuba Diver |
NITROX Diver |
Rescue Diver (DRAM) |

Master Scuba Diver or Dive master
What is the difference?
Master Scuba Diver
A highly experienced diver who has successfully completed the prerequesites and certification to earn this title. Fewer than 3% of divers achieve this rating.
Dive Master
A diver who is seeking a career in diving as an instructor. Earning this status is a needed prerequesite to the Instructor Development Course (IDC).